marlene's meal makeovers

marlene's meal makeovers
marlene on a mission

Friday, October 22, 2010


Good morning and Happy Friday!

We are so busy constructing Cook Once Produce Twice recipes and I hope our viewers are going on line on a regular basis to look at the new content we are adding. Soon we will have a search engine with more recipe content when we launch our new website in November.

Have you tried Kale? Kale is full of vitamins, the dark leafy green we need in our diets...and our kid's diets. Kale is believed to help aid against cancer which puts it at the top of our list in the mmm test kitchen. Due to popular demand we added this recipe last night instead of waiting for the webisode so look for "Fueled Fit and Fabulous" and you will find an amazing new snack with kale....Gluten-free, all vegetarian and extremely healthy.

What could go wrong.......visit our site and don't forget to enter our contest for the Pampered Chef salad spinner.....your Kale will thank you

Happy and safe weekend
Best Health

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