marlene's meal makeovers

marlene's meal makeovers
marlene on a mission

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Strawberry Jam..and as always 3 things to do with it!

Try this jam recipe.... it is so easy! The quantity of sugar and raw honey you add is completely up to you (because everyone likes flexibility right?).

3 pints of fresh strawberries
3 cups of sugar (you can also substitute for raw honey here)
2 tablespoons of orange liqueur
1/2 Granny Smith apple, peeled, cored, and diced small

1. Place the berries in a deep pot and mix in sugar and orange liqueur.
2. Bring the mixture to a boil over medium heat. Add apple and continue to stir until the mixture reaches 220 degrees on thermometer (around 25-35 mins.)
3. Skim any foam from top and discard.
4. Cool to room temperature and store in fridge or freezer jars if keeping longer.

Three things to do with your jam:
1. fill mini whole wheat pita's cut in half with jam and/or cream cheese. This is a great appetizer and Dakota's favorite for her lunch box.
2. Pour jam over a 8 oz block of light cream cheese and surround by your favorite cracker.
3. Warm up jam in the microwave and spoon over ice cream for a great looking dessert, add mint leaf and your a chef!

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