marlene's meal makeovers

marlene's meal makeovers
marlene on a mission

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

3 things you can do with Raspberries....sweet!

It is a rainy day but it brings great thoughts of how wonderful the "berry" season will be next month. Dakota and I love raspberries so with the new pink items supplied by Pampered Chef for the Help Whip Cancer campaign... I am off in our test kitchen creating some very sweet treats.
My first recipe is a juice, with raspberries of course!
In my juicer I have the following:
1 beet
1 pint of raspberries
1 apple
1 carrot
1 banana
Juice the above and enjoy an amazing PINK looking drink. I poured the juice in the Pink and White dot martini glasses and used lemon juice to rim the glasses in the Sweet Honey Vanilla Sprinkles, both provided by Pampered Chef. I served them in our kitchen and they flew out the good.

The Pampered Chef will contribute $1.00 from the sale of this product to the Canadian Cancer Society for breast cancer programs......please help support and contact your local representative today @ http//

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